Origin of author: United States.
Place of recording: United States.
Length: 12 minutes.
"Spear, Spatula, Submarine: Floridians Fight to Take Back Their Waters" is a powerful 12-minute short film directed by Shannon Morrall, an author originally from the United States. This documentary takes place in the same country, specifically in Florida.
The documentary focuses on a serious ecological problem: the invasion of the lionfish, a species without natural predators, with a voracious appetite and alarmingly high reproduction rates, which makes it one of the biggest ecological disasters on the planet. Through striking imagery and captivating storytelling, the short film addresses issues of sustainability and activism.
In "Spear, Spatula, Submarine," we witness a community of passionate Floridians come together to fight for the recovery of their threatened waters and ecosystems. They use creative methods to eliminate invasive lionfish and protect the natural resources they love. This inspiring short film shows how passion and community effort can make a difference in preserving the environment and offers a poignant look at the people who fight tirelessly to save their marine environment.