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Enjoy the CIMASUB

Come and enjoy the underwater world. Find out where, when and what we offer.

Compete in the CIMASUB

Participate and take part in our competition with your photographs, short films or documentaries.

Organiser of the CIMASUB:

Latest news

CIMASUB and IUCN SSC Coral Specialist Group partner to boost coral conservation

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership between CIMASUB and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our efforts to promote marine...

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Underwater cinema on board the Mater throughout July as part of the Zero Zabor Uretan campaign

The Zero Zabor Uretan (Zero Garbage in the Water) campaign comes to the Basque Coast in July aboard the Ecoactive Museum Ship Mater. This initiative, now in its fifth edition, aims to raise awareness of the problem of marine...

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Participation in charity event in Pamplona in support of ALS sufferers

The group “Casino Solidario” has invited Subacuáticas Real Sociedad and Cimasub to participate in a charity event in support of ALS, to be held at the Casino of Pamplona. This event, which is part of the celebration of the...

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Joan Barcia y Eva Cruz

We have been to this incredible underwater image event for the first time and we already know that from now on it will be an unmissable annual event, not only because being able to view so many images - video and photographic...

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Regina González, Widow of Francisco Pizarro

Now that a few weeks have passed since the 42nd edition of the San Sebastian International Underwater Film Festival (CIMASUB) ended, and after the great moments we have experienced and the intense emotions we have felt, I...

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Daniel Aldaya

Daniel Aldaya, a director who has won numerous awards at our event, winner of the 45th edition of the Golden Banister for best documentary with "Rumbo al pasado" and best journalistic work with "Historia de un pecio", leaves...

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