Origin of the author: Canary Islands.
Place of recording: Canary Islands.
Length: 29 minutes.
Award: GOLDEN railing and REAL SOCIEDAD FUNDAZIOA, S.M.Y. ONDINA and FOOTAGE.film awards in the DOCUMENTARY category.
‘Nika, the tropical pilot whale ’, is a short documentary in which Felipe Ravina, documentary filmmaker, scientific scientist and graduate in Marine Sciences, forges a connection with a pilot whale called Nika, on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands). This unusual connection with the animal makes him increasingly concerned about the current state of the island and its biodiversity. It is a cry to heaven for the protection, conservation and defence of the natural spaces and their fauna of this ultraperipheral region where the largest population of pilot whales in the world is found.
The piece shows the overexploitation to which Tenerife is subjected and the disastrous way in which the island has been managed in recent decades. An infinite growth, which is not only threatening the natural spaces and their biodiversity more than ever, but also the coexistence and local development of the inhabitants of Tenerife.
Directed by Jose Hernández and Felipe Ravina Olivares, this documentary aims to promote a change towards a real sustainable development, with a future in which we coexist with nature to continue enjoying Tenerife and the rest of the Canary Islands in their wild and natural state.