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David Sánchez Carretero

Director of the San Sebastian International Underwater Film Festival.

Asier Olano del Olmo

President of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Don Francisco Pizarro

Co-founder of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad (1964) and creator of Cimasub (1975). Always in our hearts.


Dr. Alex del Olmo

Professional videographer, trainer, jury member and winner at countless international festivals. Head of the ‘Naucrates’ team.

Enrique Talledo

Award-winning documentary filmmaker, cameraman, populariser, responsible for ‘Secrets of the Ocean’. More than 29 expeditions and numerous publications.

Carlos Minguell

Professional in underwater imaging. Trainer, judge and winner of countless national and international championships.

Francisco José Sánchez

Former FEDAS image committee, organiser of CEVISUB and NAFOSUB. Captain of the photo/videosub team at the European Championships.

Jose Antonio García, Zica

Diving instructor and trainer of FEDAS/CMAS underwater photography and video juries. Underwater photographer and winner of various national and international championships.

Esteban Toré

Commissioner-judge of underwater photography FEDAS and jury and winner in many national and international championships.

Roberto Suárez García

Former FEDAS image committee, organiser of CEVISUB and NAFOSUB. Captain of the photo/videosub team at the European and World Championships.

Jesús J. Insausti

FEDAS underwater photography commissioner and member of the Real Sociedad Subacuáticas team.

Verónica Mateos Franco

FEDAS underwater photography commissioner and member of the Real Sociedad Subacuáticas team.

Iker Zubillaga Sancho

FEDAS underwater photography commissioner and member of the Real Sociedad Subacuáticas team.


Lourdes Anza Larrea

Presenter of the International Underwater Cinema Cycle of Donostia - San Sebastián.

Izaskun Suberbiola

Presenter of CIMASUB and speaker at TXIKIZIKLO. Director of Barco Ecoactivo Mater Museoa.

Xabier Lasaga Telletxea

Presenter of TXIKIZIKLO. Head of marketing at Aquarium San Sebastian.

Speakers at Underwater Txikiziklo

Olaia García

Speaker for the Itsas Gela Elkartea Association. Responsible for the Eco-Actic Boat Museum Mater Museoa.

Izaskun Suberbiola

Speaker at the Itsas Gela Elkartea Association. Director of Barco Ecoactivo Mater Museoa.

Irati Urcelay

Speaker at Aquarium San Sebastian. Education Technician.

Sara Lizarza

Speaker for the Itsas Gela Elkartea Association. Project manager at the Mater Museoa Ecoactive Boat.

Coordination of the Underwater Txikiziklo

Ainara Muga

Graduate in Business Administration and Management. Head of projects at the Real Sociedad Fundazioa.

Egoitz Ugartemendia

Higher Technician in Physical and Sports Activities Animation. Coordinator of Ludicodeportivo and Educational Activities of the Real Sociedad Fundazioa.


Daniel Landa Quiroga

Underwater photographer, diving instructor and member of the board of directors of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Aitor Jiménez Varea

Underwater photographer, diving instructor and member of the board of directors of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Dámaso Martínez

Underwater photographer, diving instructor and member of the board of directors of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Technical team

Vero González Campayo

Technical support. Assistant photographer for Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Irantzu Sánchez Arbizu

Technical support. Member of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Jesús Maria Montesinos

Technical support. Diving instructor. Member of the board of directors of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Jesús Mª Castillo Maestro

Technical support. Member of the board of directors of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Andoni Bengoechea Tardio

Technical support. Assistant photographer and videographer for Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Pablo Casares Gurmendi

Coordination of the Photographic Exhibition. Coordinator of the Outreach and Education Area at the San Sebastian Aquarium.

Patxi Díaz Navarlaz

Technical support. Member of the board of directors of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Félix Aguado Zabaleta

Technical support. Diving instructor. Member of the board of directors of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

José A. Formoso Vallejo

Technical support. Diving instructor. Member of the board of directors of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Iñigo Azkue Goya

Technical support. Member of Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.

Eneko Guisasola Saez

Technical support. Assistant photographer for Subacuáticas Real Sociedad.