Great reception of the CIMASUB in Lasarte-Oria, closed with the Txikiziklo
As every year, the 12th edition of the International Underwater Film Series, organised by the Underwater Activities Section of the Royal Society, the Danok Kide Association, Lasarte-Oria Town Council and the Royal Society Foundation, came to a close this week with a large audience in the auditorium of the Manuel Lekuona kultur etxea.
Yesterday morning, more than a hundred students from Sasoeta ikastetxea, took part in a new edition of TXIKICICLO and were able to delve into the marine world thanks to the short films that were shown together with the presentations given by the GAEA Elkartea Association team. The aim was more than achieved, as it was intended to promote knowledge of the sea and respect for the environment among young people, with the effect of climate change as the main theme.
The organisers would like to express our joy and gratitude for the great reception given to this edition of CIMASUB in Lasarte-Oria, which, as every year, shows its great interest in our Cycle with one of the largest public attendances in the whole of Gipuzkoa. We can only thank all the attendees and encourage everyone to visit us next year. We are also grateful for the visit to Lasarte-Oria of some of the award winners, Enrique Talledo from Castro-Urdiales (silver railing in documentaries), Daniel Landa (Best photographic gallery of the Bay of Biscay) and Javier Castro from Burgos. It was a luxury to be able to count on them at the CIMASUB in Lasarte-Oria.
Last Monday, the third and last session of this edition took place, and in line with previous Mondays, the best short films and documentaries, presented in competition in the Donostia - San Sebastian Cycle, were shown, showing the wonders we have in the big blue, appreciating all its beauty from all corners of the planet, and of course denouncing the serious climate problem that our oceans are suffering.
In this session presented by David Sánchez Carretero and the manager of the Manuel Lekuona, Xabier Goitia, the slideshow with the best photographs of the last contest was also projected with François Baelen (golden railing), Massimo Giorgetta (silver railing), Eduardo Acevedo (bronze railing), Daniel Landa (Best of the Cantabrian) and Aldo Gustavo Galante (Best with ecological denunciation) as the main protagonists.
Finally, it should be noted that today from 17.00 to 21.00 hours in the cafeteria of the Kultur Etxea, the photographic exhibition will be closed with 23 photographs (the best submitted to the Cimasub) and authentic works of art.
As every year, the 12th edition of the International Underwater Film Series, organised by the Underwater Activities Section of the Royal Society, the Danok Kide Association, Lasarte-Oria Town Council and the Royal Society Foundation, came to a close this week with a large audience in the auditorium of the Manuel Lekuona kultur etxea.
Yesterday morning, more than a hundred students from Sasoeta ikastetxea, took part in a new edition of TXIKICICLO and were able to delve into the marine world thanks to the short films that were shown together with the presentations given by the GAEA Elkartea Association team. The aim was more than achieved, as it was intended to promote knowledge of the sea and respect for the environment among young people, with the effect of climate change as the main theme.
The organisers would like to express our joy and gratitude for the great reception given to this edition of CIMASUB in Lasarte-Oria, which, as every year, shows its great interest in our Cycle with one of the largest public attendances in the whole of Gipuzkoa. We can only thank all the attendees and encourage everyone to visit us next year. We are also grateful for the visit to Lasarte-Oria of some of the award winners, Enrique Talledo from Castro-Urdiales (silver railing in documentaries), Daniel Landa (Best photographic gallery of the Bay of Biscay) and Javier Castro from Burgos. It was a luxury to be able to count on them at the CIMASUB in Lasarte-Oria.
Last Monday, the third and last session of this edition took place, and in line with previous Mondays, the best short films and documentaries, presented in competition in the Donostia - San Sebastian Cycle, were shown, showing the wonders we have in the big blue, appreciating all its beauty from all corners of the planet, and of course denouncing the serious climate problem that our oceans are suffering.
In this session presented by David Sánchez Carretero and the manager of the Manuel Lekuona, Xabier Goitia, the slideshow with the best photographs of the last contest was also projected with François Baelen (golden railing), Massimo Giorgetta (silver railing), Eduardo Acevedo (bronze railing), Daniel Landa (Best of the Cantabrian) and Aldo Gustavo Galante (Best with ecological denunciation) as the main protagonists.
Finally, it should be noted that today from 17.00 to 21.00 hours in the cafeteria of the Kultur Etxea, the photographic exhibition will be closed with 23 photographs (the best submitted to the Cimasub) and authentic works of art.
JUAN DE HARO CAMPILLO, , comenta...:
Estimados SRES : Un cordial saludo desde esta esquina de España; y con total admiración me congratulo con esa actividad que desarrollan desde CIMASUB, mostrando, concienciando y sensibilizando a todas las personas que aman el Mundo Marino. Recibo periódicamente toda información de la magnífica actividad que programan en esa entidad, participando interesado tanto del País Vasco, como de otros puntos cercanos de Cantabria y Castilla.
Desde donde les escribo......Cartagena......vivimos todo lo relacionado con el MAR muy de cerca, tanto por la Marina Militar, la de Pesca, la de Construcción Naval y la Deportiva. Expreso mi envidia sana por no tener un evento como el de UDS, y no poder sumergirnos y contemplar esas maravillas que tan celosamente nos reserva el mar bajo su superficie. MUCHAS GRACIAS POR ESA INFORMACION QUE ME FACILITAN Y MIS MEJORES DESEOS DE EXITOS INFINITOS PARA "CIMASUB". Saludos, Juan de Haro
CIMASUB - Ciclo Internacional de Cine Submarino de Donostia – San Sebastián, , comenta...:
Hola Juan:
Muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras. Nos motivan a seguir trabajando. Cuídate mucho.
Desde donde les escribo......Cartagena......vivimos todo lo relacionado con el MAR muy de cerca, tanto por la Marina Militar, la de Pesca, la de Construcción Naval y la Deportiva. Expreso mi envidia sana por no tener un evento como el de UDS, y no poder sumergirnos y contemplar esas maravillas que tan celosamente nos reserva el mar bajo su superficie. MUCHAS GRACIAS POR ESA INFORMACION QUE ME FACILITAN Y MIS MEJORES DESEOS DE EXITOS INFINITOS PARA "CIMASUB". Saludos, Juan de Haro
Muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras. Nos motivan a seguir trabajando. Cuídate mucho.
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