The International Underwater Film Series, CIMASUB, announces a major collaboration with the renowned organisation PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors®). This alliance consolidates PADI's commitment to the world of underwater cinema and its support for the Donostia-San Sebastian event.
PADI, the global leader in diving and underwater exploration, operates in 186 countries and territories, with an extensive network of more than 6,600 dive centres and resorts and a community of more than 128,000 professionals worldwide. With more than one million certifications issued annually and a total of more than 29 million certifications awarded to date, PADI has empowered people of all ages and nationalities to seek adventure and contribute to the preservation of the oceans through underwater education, transformative experiences and unforgettable travel.
PADI-mentored scuba classes not only teach the skills needed to explore the underwater world, but also open a door to exciting adventures and encounters with marine life. Participants in certification courses will experience a unique transformation, allowing them to see the ocean with a renewed perspective and a deep appreciation for its fragility and beauty.
CIMASUB is sincerely grateful for the support of PADI and is excited to welcome this distinguished organisation to its growing family of partners. This union promises to further enrich the experience of underwater film lovers and consolidate Donostia-San Sebastian as an epicentre of oceanic exploration and awareness.
For those interested in exploring the exciting world of diving, PADI stands as the ideal choice. Millions of passionate underwater explorers have taken their first steps on this fascinating journey.
CIMASUB extends a warm welcome to PADI and looks forward to the positive impact this collaboration will bring to the world of underwater filmmaking and the local community. Ongi etorri! Welcome to the team!
The International Underwater Film Series, CIMASUB, announces a major collaboration with the renowned organisation PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors®). This alliance consolidates PADI's commitment to the world of underwater cinema and its support for the Donostia-San Sebastian event.
PADI, the global leader in diving and underwater exploration, operates in 186 countries and territories, with an extensive network of more than 6,600 dive centres and resorts and a community of more than 128,000 professionals worldwide. With more than one million certifications issued annually and a total of more than 29 million certifications awarded to date, PADI has empowered people of all ages and nationalities to seek adventure and contribute to the preservation of the oceans through underwater education, transformative experiences and unforgettable travel.
PADI-mentored scuba classes not only teach the skills needed to explore the underwater world, but also open a door to exciting adventures and encounters with marine life. Participants in certification courses will experience a unique transformation, allowing them to see the ocean with a renewed perspective and a deep appreciation for its fragility and beauty.
CIMASUB is sincerely grateful for the support of PADI and is excited to welcome this distinguished organisation to its growing family of partners. This union promises to further enrich the experience of underwater film lovers and consolidate Donostia-San Sebastian as an epicentre of oceanic exploration and awareness.
For those interested in exploring the exciting world of diving, PADI stands as the ideal choice. Millions of passionate underwater explorers have taken their first steps on this fascinating journey.
CIMASUB extends a warm welcome to PADI and looks forward to the positive impact this collaboration will bring to the world of underwater filmmaking and the local community. Ongi etorri! Welcome to the team!
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